Guanjie Wang, Associate Professor

School of Statistics and Mathematics
Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance

Email: guanjie(at)lixin(dot)edu(dot)cn


  • Uncertainty Quantification

  • Numerical solution of PDEs


Publications and preprints

  1. X. Shi, H. Zhang and G. Wang\(^*\). ANOVA-GP modeling for high-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems, Mathematics, 12(2), 301, 2024. [link, PDF]

  2. G. Wang, S. Sahu and Q. Liao. An adaptive ANOVA stochastic Galerkin method for partial differential equations with high-dimensional random inputs, Journal of Scientific Computing, 98 (1), 24, 2024. [link, PDF]

  3. G. Wang and Q. Liao. Reduced basis stochastic Galerkin methods for partial differential equations with random inputs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 463, 128375, 2024. [link, PDF]

  4. M. Li, Y. Feng and G. Wang\(^*\). Estimating failure probability with neural operator hybrid approach, Mathematics, 11(12), 2762, 2023. [link, PDF]

  5. G. Wang, F. Xue and Q. Liao. Localized stochastic Galerkin methods for Helmholtz problems close to resonance, International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 11(4), 77-99, 2021. [link, PDF]

  6. Q. Huang, K. Li, G. Wang, Q. Liao, X. Du. Stochastic finite element methods with the Euclidean degree for partial differential equations with random inputs, 2020 Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC), Hefei, China, 634-640, 2020. [Link, PDF]

  7. G. Wang and Q. Liao. An adaptive hybrid spectral method for stochastic Helmholtz problems, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 13(4), 1007-1026, 2020. [Link, PDF].

  8. G. Wang and Q. Liao. Efficient spectral stochastic finite element methods for Helmholtz equations with random inputs, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 9(3), 601-621, 2019. [Link, PDF].

  9. J. Zhu and G. Wang. High-precision computation of optical propagation in inhomogeneous waveguides, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 32(9), 1653-1660, 2015. [Link].

  10. J. Zhu and G. Wang. Fast computation of wave propagation in the open acoustical waveguide with a curved interface, Wave motion, 57, 171-181, 2015. [Link].

  11. J. Zhu and G. Wang. New computational treatment of optical wave propagation in lossy waveguides, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 16(8), 646-653, 2015. [Link].

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